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TCI Precision Metals 240 E. Rosecrans Ave. Gardena, CA 90248 (310) 323-5613 F: 310-323-1255 (800)-234-5613
TCI Supply 611 Morgan Avenue Drexel Hill, PA 19026 (800) 755-2883           About Us / Line Card
TCM - Teton Creek Manufacturing, LLC 115 North 2nd West Rexburg, ID 83440 (208) 201-6624 Map
TMF Inc 26273 Twelve Trees Lane Ste. B Poulsbo WA 98370 (360) 598-1750 F: (360) 598-4084 Map  Blog
TMS Inc. 32 Wellington Road Lincoln, RI 02865 (401) 333-9430 F (401) 334-3515 (Map)

TECT Aerospace 19420 84th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Direct 253.437.3534 Fax 253.872.0906

Talan Products, Inc.
18800 Cochran Ave Cleveland, OH 44110-2700 (216) 458-0170 F: (216) 458-0153 / (877) 472-5836
Talon Technical
1350 Kansas Ave Longmont CO 80501 (303) 827-2165 F: (303) 827-2151
Tana Corp. 3843 Seiss Ave. Toledo, OH 43612-1318 (419) 476-5995 F: (419) 476-7681
Taylor Press Products PO Box 737 Jarrell, TX 76537-0737 (512) 746-5556 F: (512) 746-2932
Tech-Etch, Inc., 45 Aldrin Road, Plymouth, MA 02360 (508) 747-0300 F: (508) 746-9639
Tech-Etch Litchfield, 1 Precision Drive, Litchfield, MN 55355 (320) 593-0240 F: (320) 593-0241
TechRim 281 Collier Rd, Unit C Auburn Hills, MI 48326 (248) 454-1977 F: (248)-454-1978
Tedco Inc. 70 Glen Road, Cranston, RI 02920 (401) 461-1118 F: (401) 461-1119 (956) 832-0600 F: (956) 832-0604
Tella Tool & Manufacturing Co. 1015 N Ridge Ave Lombard, IL 60148-1259 (630) 495-0545 F: (630 ) 495-3056
Tella Tool & Manufacturing Co. 3401 Nafta Parkway Brownsville, Texas 78526
Tempco Manufacturing Company, Inc. 2475 Hwy. 55 St. Paul, Minnesota 55120 (651) 452-1441 F: (651) 452-1125
Tennessee Stampings, LLC 119 Kirby Drive , PO Box 7629, Portland, TN 37148 (615) 323-0500 x: (615) 323-0505
Termax Corporation 1155 Rose Road Lake Zurich, IL 60047 (847) 519-1500 F: (847) 519-9438
Texas Metal Spinning - Div of Metal Spinners, Inc. 1300 E Ind'l Ave Saginaw, TX 76179 (817) 847-0086 F: (817) 847-0089 (800) 481-2411
The Crosby Company 183 Pratt Street Buffalo, NY 14240-1083 P: (716) 852-3522 F: (716) 852-3526 (800)777-3522
The Master Products Co., 6400 Park Ave. Cleveland, OH 44105-4991 (216)341-1740 F: (216)341-5555
Thermoplastics Co., Inc. 24 Woodward St., Worcester, MA 01610 (508) 754-4668 F: (508) 753-5404 - Facilities List
Thiel Tool and Engineering, Inc. 4622 Bulwer Ave. P.O. Box 470007 St. Louis, MO 63147 (314) 241-6121 F: (314) 241-2954
Thomas Engineering Company 7024 Northland Dr. Minneapolis, MN 55428 (763) 533-1501 F: (763) 533-8091
Thunder Machine Works, Inc. 2940 Ramona Ave. Sacramento, CA. 95826 (916) 452-4277 F: (916) 452-0350 Map
Thunderbird Products Inc. 1148 N. Marshall Ave. El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 448-3567 F: 619-448-9072 | 800-658-2473

Trade Tech, Inc. 2231 Constitution Ave. Hartford, WI 53027 (262) 673-3600 F: (262) 673-3601
Triton WaterJet & Design, Inc. 1751 Tanen St. Napa, CA 94559 (707) 299-1001 F: 707-226-1052
Toledo Metal Spinning Company 1819 Clinton St. Toledo OH 43607 (419) 535-5931 F: (419) 535-0565
Tomenson Machine Works 3945 Stern Avenue St Charles IL (630) 377-7670 F630-377-7673
Tool Engineering Systems N3033 Hwy. V Poynette, WI. 53955 (608)575-9797
Tools Inc. N5500 Executive Drive Sussex WI 53089 (262) 246-3400 F: (262) 246-3414
Top Tool Company 3100 84th Lane NE Minneapolis, MN 55449 (763) 786-0030 F: (763) 786-0066
TorrMetal Corporation 12125 Bennington Ave. Cleveland, OH 44135-3729 (216) 671-1616 F: (216) 671-3705
Townsend Machine, Inc. 246 Sykesville Road Wrightstown NJ 08562 (609) 723-2603
Tracet Manufacturing 40 Kirby Lane Morgan Hill, CA 95037 (408) 779-8846 Fax (408) 778-6168

Trans-Matic Manufacturing Co. 300 E 48th St Holland, MI 49423-5301 (616) 820-2500 F: (616) 820-2702
Trans-Matic Manufacturing Co.5825 Clyde Rhyne Dr Sanford, NC 27330-9520 (919) 774-6321 F: (919) 774-6803
Trans-Matic Manufacturing Co. 4250 E Oasis St Mesa, AZ 85215-1130 (480) 491-6977 F: (480) 491-8929
Triad Metal Products Company 12990 Snow Road Parma, OH 44130 (216) 676-6505 F: (216) 676-6510

Trio Manufacturing, Inc. 601 Lairport Street El Segundo, CA 90245 (310) 640-6123 Map
Triple D Tooling, Inc. 800 Progress Center Ave. Lawrenceville GA (770) 963-0740 F: 770-822-4681Map
Triton Industries Inc. 1020 N. Kolmar Avenue, Chicago, IL 60651 (773) 384-3700 F: (773) 384-8748
Triton Metals, Inc. 43979 Airport View Drive, Hollywood, MD 20636 (301) 373-6110 F: (301) 373-5033 Map
Tri-Town Plastics Inc. 12 Bridge Street, Deep River, CT 06417 (860) 526-3200 F: (860) 526-4848 Map
Tro Manufacturing Co. Inc. 2610 Edgington Street PO Box 528 Franklin Park, IL 60131-0528 (847) 455-3755 F: (847) 455-6116
Truelove & Maclean Inc. 57 Callender Rd, Watertown, CT 06795-0268 (860) 274-9600 F: (860) 274-9733
TRUEX Incorporated 300 Armistice Blvd Pawtucket, RI 02861-2332 (401) 722-5023 : (401) 722-9938 / (800) 458-7839

Tube Fabrication & Color 1652 Barnard Drive Omro, WI 54963 (920) 685-3020 F: (920) 685-3025 Map
Tubodyne Co., Inc. 4 Industrial Way Riverside, RI 02915-5206 Phone: 401-438-2540 Fax: 401-438-6228
Tulsa Plastics Co. 6112 E. 32nd Place Tulsa, OK 74135 Phone (918)664-0931 Fax (918) 622-2943
Tupelo Tool & Die Company 1233 S Veterans Blvd.Tupelo MS 38801 (662) 844-2138 Map

Tusco Display 239 S. Chestnut St. PO Box 175 Gnadenhutten, OH 44629-0175 (740) 254-4343 F: (740) 254-4839 / (800) 328-8726
Twinplex Stamping Company 840 Lively Blvd. Wood Dale, IL 60191-1283 USA Phone: (630)595-2040 Fax: (630)595-4068

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